Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Love Affair With Cayenne Pepper

I often hear meat-eaters speak about how their stomach cannot handle spicy foods, and how the cure for and acidic stomach besides the money-making racket of antacids is a glass of cow milk.

Stanley Burroughs explained how meat affects the stomach in his book "The Master Cleanse":

"There is a sodium coating covering the entire inside wall of the stomach, which, if it remains intact, will prevent the digestive juices from digesting the stomach itself. However, when any form of flesh food enters the stomach, the meat attracts the sodium in the same way as the walls of the stomach. Some of the sodium is drawn from the walls and gathers around the meat, thus preventing the digestion of the meat in the stomach and at the same time depleting the sodium on the walls of the stomach. As one continues to eat meat and a deficiency of sodium in the diet occurs, the sodium lining is not being replaced on the walls of the stomach. The digestive juices then start digesting the stomach, producing what we call an ulcer. When this occurs, all orthodox methods to heal the ulcer fail completely."

Knowing this, it is a no-brainer why meat-eaters often cannot handle spicy foods.

Later on in the book, he discusses milk:

"Milk, being a predigested food, has been known to cause various complications in the stomach and colon, such as cramps and convulsions."

i.e. milk is a counter-intuitive "cure" for stomach ailments...

Now, for people who have experienced the pain of an ulcer, the next sentence may make you recoil. Cayenne pepper is the best cure for an ulcer. Yes, it's true! It removes the pain almost immediately...and the stronger the better.

I developed a stress ulcer in the months following my father's stroke. I was working 14 hour days and taking care of my father during the evenings....sleeping maybe 4 divided hours a night. I was a mess.

One morning I woke up and literally dropped to the floor gasping for air and screaming. I said to my mother...please dump a load of cayenne powder in some hot water and then drop and ice cube in it.

Now..the powder I was using is 275,000 heat units on the Scoville Heat Scale.

A brief interlude about the Scoville Heat Scale ~~ The Scoville Scale is a measure of the 'hotness' of a chilli pepper or anything derived from chilli peppers, i.e. hot sauce. The scale is named after Wilbur Scoville who developed the test in 1912.

~ A bell pepper rates 0
~ A jalapeno pepper rates 2,500 - 5,000
~ A cayenne pepper rates 30,000 - 50,000
~ A thai pepper rates 50,000 - 100,000

* there are methods to extract maximum capsaicin (what makes a pepper hot) as well as proprietary blends mixed specifically to increase the heat units

Back to the story....

15 minutes later, the pain was gone, and never returned. I took a strong dose of cayenne every day for a couple weeks, and it healed completely.

Also, when my father had a heart attack a few years ago, I made the a similar concoction. Within seconds, the heart attack stopped and his heart was beating strong and steady. Cayenne feeds the heart.

After my father's stroke, I used cayenne to rehabilitate his brain. Now, 8 months later, it is a common thing around our house to ask if dad has had his cayenne....and to know by how "dingy" he is if he has or not. Cayenne feeds the brain.

Cayenne improves circulation, heart and brain function, heals stomach and esophageal lesions, stops bleeding (internal or external), dissolves clots among a host of other phenomenal healing properties.

Always take powder in liquid or tinctures...never is too jarring to the stomach.


Around my house, cayenne is a staple and considered by everyone to be a natural miracle cure.

P.S. I am not employed or any way affiliated with Dr. Schulze or American Botanical Pharmacy. I just believe that his products have the highest potency and are the most natural. Many of my family members have been saved from surgery or sickness by one of his herbal remedies. You can't buy loyalty like that, but you can find cayenne in countless other natural foods/products stores.

*DISCLAIMER* I am not an Medical Doctor, this is merely my opinion. Please check with a trusted health practitioner before using cayenne pepper in high doses.


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Anonymous said...

Thanks. U said cayenne pepper is the best cure for ulcer.